For us at MUNICH DIGITAL, digital change means one thing above all: data-driven business. Companies are changing perspectives, inside-out is increasingly being replaced or at least enriched with an outside-in perspective.
The result is a new mindset in companies and with it a fundamental change process.
For many years, internal experiences and the individual assessment of decision-makers have determined the strategic and tactical measures in companies. In the so complex and fragmented digital world, greater objectification of information is becoming increasingly crucial to success. This goes hand in hand with the establishment of data-driven or data-supported processes.
The task is clear. People, whether employees or customers, are increasingly examining companies critically. The packaging alone, the brand promise, is no longer enough. Advertising claims have to be proven every day. This requires substantial analysis. Acceptance must be measured and at the same time expectation. The comparison reveals where strengths, weaknesses and potential lie. On this basis, initiatives can be planned and evaluated.